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Thursday, September 4, 2014

瑜伽 ~ 净鼻术的益处

净鼻术的益处:Benefits of Jala neti

Jala neti 能除去鼻腔中堆积的鼻涕和污染的空气通过时留在鼻腔和鼻窦里的脏东西,使呼吸能供畅通无阻。它还能帮助阻止或是控制呼吸道的一些疾病。例如:哮喘、肺炎、支气管炎、肺结核。它还帮助减轻过敏症状,感冒和鼻窦炎,以及各种眼睛,耳朵和喉咙的不适,包括:近视、过敏性鼻炎、枯草热(枯草过敏,花草过敏),几种类型的听力减退,扁桃体炎、淋巴组织发炎等。小孩子口呼吸的习惯通过净鼻术的练习也会得到改善。

Jala neti可以释放脸部的紧张,神经痉挛,颜面神经瘫痪。帮助练习者保持相对年轻的面孔。它会对大脑产生一种冷静,安抚的作用,对于癫痫症和偏头痛患者有好处。它还有缓解焦虑、生气、忧郁的作用。它会使睡意朦胧的你立刻清醒,使你头脑清醒感觉轻松和清新。

Jala neti刺激鼻腔里的神经末梢,提高大脑的活跃性并全面提高个人的健康水平。会使左右两侧的鼻孔更加平衡,相应地也使左右两侧大脑半球更加协调平衡。并诱导产生适量的荷尔蒙,使身体更加平衡,循环和消化系统功能良好。


Jala neti is an ancient Indian Yoga technique, (meaning literally “water cleansing”) which cures all diseases related to eyes, nose, throat and brain. 

Jala neti, though relatively unknown to western culture, is a common practice in parts of India and other areas in south east asia, performed as routinely as using a toothbrush. It is performed daily usually the first thing in the morning with other cleansing practices. Sometimes it is done more often such as at the end of the day if you work or live in a dusty or polluted environment.

Regular practice of Jala Neti helps to establish the correct working environment of temperature and humidity in the nose. The aim of the process is to purify the breathing path right from the nostrils to the throat. It helps solve the sinus infection and allergy problems without the use of pain killers and anti-allergic drugs with immediate, immense and sustained results any without any side effects.

The way in which Jala Neti rinses out the dirt and bacteria filled mucous lining would be obvious to most people as the warm water loosens and dissolves any internal build ups, and takes them outwards. But what may not be so obvious is that, due to gravity and a venturi effect, the sinus passages are also drained by the vacuum pressure flow of the water. Whereas it would normally be impossible to drain a “dead end” passage like the sinuses, Jala Neti achieves this ingeniously and simply. For those with thick mucus conditions as well as those with running sinuses, the relief of sinus pressure can be felt within seconds. As well, the eustachian tubes (which are also dead end passages) receive exactly the same effects as the sinuses, that being – a drawing outwards of dirt and mucus. Hence Jala Neti is of great benefit for blockages and infections of the middle ear, by draining the tubes to relieve the pressure build up as well as removing germs.

1. removes dirt and infectious microorganisms from the nasal cavities and passageways

2. reduces the frequency and duration of colds

3. reduces allergic problems such as hay fever

4. improves your nose breathing generally and therefore reduces 5. diseases such as asthma and bronchitis

6. moistens dry nasal cavities and passageways

7. reduces the symptoms of chronic sinusitis

8. flushes the tear ducts, increases eye sight and and gives a sparkle to the eyes

9. excellent for those trying to give up smoking. It reduces mouth breathing and re-sensitizes the nose to the indecency and discomfort of ingesting smoke, therefore de-programming the brain of the physical and psychological addiction

10. beneficial for some types of ear disorders

11. has a harmonizing and calming effect on the mind

12. has subtle effects on the pineal and pituitary glands which control the hormonal system. This has a harmonising effect on emotional behaviour

13. has a cooling and soothing effect on the brain by drawing out excessive heat, and is therefore beneficial for headaches, migraine, epilepsy, temper tantrums, hysteria, depression and general mental tension

14. improves sensitivity of the olfactory nerves, helping to restore lost sense of smell, and thereby benefits the relationship with taste and the digestive processes

Monday, September 1, 2014

马六甲2天1夜~ 吃喝游

一直以来听过很多朋友说,也在网上看过很多人介绍说马六甲是美食天堂!那里有很多店都需要大排长龙才吃得到出名的美食。这次我特地冲着马六甲美食而来。所以两天(虽然说两天,可是第一天去到已经是中午,第二天午餐过后也回了)里面也吃了不少东西。开心的说 :D  !

Limbongan Hailam Kopitiam (海南咖啡店)
Gerai No.8, Jalan Kristal Merah 1,
Limbongan, Melaka
7am open

地理学家咖啡馆(Geographer Cafe《夏日么么茶》取景地。
地址:83, Jalan Hang Jebat, 75200 Malacca, Malaysia

Kedai Makanan Minuman Donald & Lily
No.16 (Ground Floor)
Jalan KSB 1,
Taman Kota Shahbandar
Tel: 012-292 3157

营业时间: 8.00am - 415pm 

Melaka Klebang Original Coconut Shake
Lot 130 Solok Kampung Bahagian Klebang Besar75250 MelakaMalaysia

Longkang Siham
地址:马六甲126  Jalan Bunga Raya, 75100 (Madam King)
营业时间:5.00pm – 11.00pm(每逢周三休息)

Nadeje Cake HouseNadeje Cake House
地址:G-23B, EG 4 & EG 5, Ground Floor, Mahkota Parade, 75000 Melaka.
营业时间: 11:00am – 10:00pm(每天)
